Sunday, March 22, 2009

New - Slightly Revised - Press Release

I have issued a new press release. It removed the typos and misspellings of the past press release. And it focused the message more on the homeowner as opposed to a business owner.

I'm pretty pleased with the results.

I was disappointed that it didn't allow me to use html, or submit a true html link back to my page.

I'll look at what other press release organizations offer.
Press Release

Thanks for the comments so far. I really rushed the other one and had too many typos.

Check out my website: Toronto Window Cleaner 

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Press Release

We issued a press release this evening.At

Spring is soon - time to think about cleaning your windows - Click to read more

Call us for all your window cleaning needs


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Winter Window Cleaning

In Toronto, we experienced a nice break from the winter. Temperatures have risen to +10 celcius yesterday, although strong winds and cooler weather is on the way.

I'm surprised how many people feel that it is not necessary to clean windows in the winter. They figure that the windows are most dirty in the summer due to dust. Others feel that it is useless to clean the windows in the winter because they will get dirty the next day.

There are some challenges in cleaning windows in the winter. For instance, there are some days where we can't clean houses, due to snow and ice conditions. We are committed to safe working practices, so when it is unsafe, we reschedule, or delay projects.

However, there are days where houses can be cleaned. Cleaning your house in the winter is a nice treat. Since the sun is so low in the winter, in the afternoon, your windows can look quite dirty. Looking out the windows are not a pleasurable activity when you have to look at dirt. So we can clean those windows, especially those on the first floor where usually there are no safety issues. So while you are enjoying a coffee, or a glass of wine, you will be able to look out your window and enjoy the view. How much better will that make your afternoon.

Stores and Restauraunt owners cannot ignore their windows in the winter. Stores that are close to roads have a particular problem in the winter. The salt that is put on the roads, gets into the air, and becomes a white dust that eventually rests on your windows. Over time that dust can completely cover your window, blocking the view.

Also over salting done on your sidewalk or walkway, can also causes your lower part of the windows and the door to get very dirty.

So don't cut back in the winter. Keep cleaning those windows, in fact, you may need to increase the service to keep the windows clean.

Your first impression has much to do with the state of your windows. You don't want unfavorable impressions of your store to be formed with potential customers.

Contrary to popular opinion, your windows will not get immediately dirty. Professionally cleaned windows can stay clean for some time. So it is worth it, to get them cleaned.

So winter is a messy time for windows, keep them clean. Ask us about keeping your windows, or select windows on your house clean in the winter.

Storeowners, don't cut back in the winter. Those windows need to be kept clean.

Keep in mind, how much you will enjoy looking out, clean, clear windows on those sunny winter afternoons.